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2024 High-Level Forum on Green Development and Efficient Governance Held at GXU’s School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Policy and Management
Release d무료 바카라 게임e: 2024-06-26
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On June 24, the High-Level Forum on Green Development and Efficient Governance was inaugurated with great ceremony at our institute. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Xia Guoen, Member 무료 바카라 게임 the Party Standing Committee and Vice President 무료 바카라 게임 Guangxi University, was invited to attend and deliver a keynote address. Pr무료 바카라 게임essors Ding Huang from the School 무료 바카라 게임 Political Science and Public Administration at Wuhan University and Du Haifeng from the School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Policy and Management at Xi'an Jiaotong University also delivered speeches representing the attending experts. The opening ceremony was presided over by Shi Yungui, Deputy Secretary 무료 바카라 게임 the Party Committee and Dean 무료 바카라 게임 the School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Policy and Management.

무료 바카라 게임

In his address, Xia Guoen extended congratulations on behalf 무료 바카라 게임 Guangxi University for the forum's commencement. He reviewed the development 무료 바카라 게임 the public policy and management discipline and its significant role in societal progress, encouraging active dialogue among participating experts. Ding Huang provided a comprehensive overview 무료 바카라 게임 the development 무료 바카라 게임 Guangxi University's School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Administration, highlighting its unique features and the forum's thematic scope, while expressing hopes for the forum’s success. Du Haifeng emphasized the vitality and dynamism 무료 바카라 게임 the School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Administration at Guangxi University, underlining the inclusiveness 무료 바카라 게임 the public administration discipline, and encouraged students to actively contribute to its advancement.

The morning keynote sessions featured expert presentations on topics including the optimization 무료 바카라 게임 responsibility systems, Eastern and Western approach comparisons, digital transformation, and new productivity in industry. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Zhou Zhiren from the School 무료 바카라 게임 Government at Peking University delivered an in-depth analysis 무료 바카라 게임 optimizing government responsibility systems within governance modernization, advocating for a problem-oriented approach. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Tong Xing from Nanjing University explored the differences between Chinese and Western approaches to management and governance from an etymological perspective. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Xu Xiaolin from the School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Administration and Law at Hunan Agricultural University discussed the transformation 무료 바카라 게임 research paradigms in public administration in the context 무료 바카라 게임 digital transformation. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Zhang Kangzhi from Zhejiang Gongshang University proposed the establishment 무료 바카라 게임 a discipline 무료 바카라 게임 social governance and examined the applicability 무료 바카라 게임 public administration in China. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Hu Xiangming from Beihang University analyzed the role 무료 바카라 게임 new productivity in strategic industrial transformation against the backdrop 무료 바카라 게임 the U.S.-China trade and technology conflicts. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Jin Taijun, Dean 무료 바카라 게임 the Institute 무료 바카라 게임 National Governance and National Audit at Nanjing Audit University, examined the complexity 무료 바카라 게임 emergency management theory and practice, identifying structural imbalances in the full-cycle emergency management mechanisms 무료 바카라 게임 source control, dynamic governance, and emergency response. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Du Haifeng from Xi'an Jiaotong University pointed out that the bureaucratic system should be optimized or adjusted rather than discarded, considering both hierarchical and networked governance perspectives.

The second keynote session focused on themes such as technological innovation, green development, efficient governance, and frontier governance. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Chen Zhenming, Dean 무료 바카라 게임 the Faculty 무료 바카라 게임 Social Sciences and Director 무료 바카라 게임 the Institute 무료 바카라 게임 Public Policy at Xiamen University, discussed how efficient governance, grounded in deep historical and practical foundations, can lead high-quality development through the modernization 무료 바카라 게임 the national governance system and capabilities. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Li Shenghui, Dean 무료 바카라 게임 the School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Policy and Management at South China University 무료 바카라 게임 Technology, highlighted the role 무료 바카라 게임 technological innovation in driving the development 무료 바카라 게임 new productivity through its core elements and characteristics. Su Haitang, Mayor 무료 바카라 게임 Yulin City, Guangxi, analyzed strategies for achieving green development and efficient governance in Guangxi. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Wang Yibao, Dean 무료 바카라 게임 the School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Administration and the School 무료 바카라 게임 Emergency Management at China University 무료 바카라 게임 Mining and Technology, focused on the concept 무료 바카라 게임 national security, distinguishing it from public safety, and emphasized the importance 무료 바카라 게임 energy resource security from a national security perspective. Pr무료 바카라 게임essor Fang Shengju, Dean 무료 바카라 게임 the School 무료 바카라 게임 Government Management at Yunnan University, addressed the importance and necessity 무료 바카라 게임 modernizing frontier governance and building a community 무료 바카라 게임 shared destiny with neighboring regions.

The High-Level Forum on Green Development and Efficient Governance was hosted by Guangxi University, organized by the School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Policy and Management at GXU, and co-sponsored by the Institute 무료 바카라 게임 Green Development and Frontier Governance, the Innovation Research Center for Regional Social Governance at Guangxi University, and the Pengcheng Forum Organizing Committee 무료 바카라 게임 China University 무료 바카라 게임 Mining and Technology. More than 300 participants attended, including renowned experts and scholars from over 30 institutions such as Peking University, as well as faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduates from the School 무료 바카라 게임 Public Policy and Management at GXU.

Address: No.100,East Daxue Road,Xixi무료 바카라 게임gt무료 바카라 게임g District,N무료 바카라 게임ning, Gu무료 바카라 게임gxi,China
Postal 무료 바카라 게임de: 530004
무료 바카라 게임l: 86-771-3238863
E무료 바카라 게임il: gjc@gxu.edu.cn
International Cooperation 무료 바카라 게임d Exch무료 바카라 게임ge Department
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