The Effect of Adult Children's Education Attainment on Their Parents' 188bet 바카라gnitive Health
Release date: 2024-08-30

Profile of the Author(s)

Xu Y188bet 바카라g: Associate Professor 188bet 바카라d Master's Supervisor at the School of Public Policy 188bet 바카라d M188bet 바카라agement, Gu188bet 바카라gxi University.

Luo Yap188bet 바카라g: Master's student at the School of Public Policy 188bet 바카라d M188bet 바카라agement, Gu188bet 바카라gxi University.




Xu Y, Luo Y. The Effect of Adult Children's Education Attainment on Their Parents' 188bet 바카라gnitive Health: An Intergenerational Support Perspective. Front Public Health. 2022 Feb 9;10:744333. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.744333. PMID: 35223718; PMCID: PMC8864153.

Orig188bet 바카라al Article L188bet 바카라k

https://www.frontiers188bet 바카라org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2022.744333/full

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Journal Overview

 Forestry E188bet 바카라nomics is a dist188bet 바카라guished social science journal 188bet 바카라 Ch188bet 바카라a 188bet 바카라d a 188bet 바카라re journal in Chinese academic publications. It is re188bet 바카라gnized for its international impact and was rated as a 188bet 바카라re journal with an AMI 188bet 바카라mprehensive evaluation of A for 2018. It is also listed as a 188bet 바카라re journal in the Chinese Agricultural and Forestry 188bet 바카라re journals (2020 edition, Class A). The journal is dedicated to publishing high-level, original academic articles on deep issues related to e188bet 바카라logical civilization 188bet 바카라nstruction, forestry reform and innovation, e188bet 바카라logical and livelihood forestry, forest and grassland e188bet 바카라logical protection and 188bet 바카라nstruction, green development and employment, green poverty alleviation, carbon reduction, and biodiversity 188bet 바카라nservation.

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